But for now.... the law down there is handling things - the Prosecutor seems sharp and interested - so there isn't much more I can do from here except pray for justice.
The kitties are pretty hateful right now... big old Lizabella was even hissing at ME and I gotta tell ya, I was a little scared! I gave her lots of extra lovin' when I got home and let baby kitty sleep in the car (I took baby back to the mountains w/me cuz I needed a friend). So now we have a love/hate thing goin' on... but it will all work out. They were both sent special at their own times to be a comfort to me and Lord knows do I ever need me some comforting right about now.
Anyway... just thought I'd check in and let ya know I'm pretty ok. My bloglines doesn't work now so it's gonna take me a week or two to get a chance to update and reset up a blog reader so if i don't comment for a little bit on something you write - I'm tryin' to get there! *grin*
P.S. Any extra prayers you have a minute for - I sure could use right about now. Thank you in advance.
1 comment:
Oh ignore my other comment, I understand better now.
If there was something shady or improper in your dad's passing then I'm glad the law is looking into it. And although it sounds horrible to have his body exhumed, if that's what it takes for justice to be done, good. Remember - that isn't him, just the shell he left behind.
I think big kitty is mad and jealous because baby kitty went with you and she didn't. So baby kitty also came home with strange new smells too! Once big kitty gets some quality loving and attention, and baby kitty's smell gets back to be the "home smell", she'll probably settle down.
Thinking of you and hoping for the best, always.
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