Saturday, September 11, 2010


Thank you for the greeting to Fatima :) I guess I'm just overly excited to "have a girl" *grin* . I can't wait to get my sponsor packet and I've already got stickers on my shopping list.

(PS - If anybody out there likes to write but can't afford to sponsor a child - Compassion also asks for letter writers and it's free. Some sponsors don't write to their kids for whatever reasons, but the kids still need correspondence with someone who cares. If you want more info, shoot me an email).

I worked myself to death this weekend and it is good. I'm sunburnt in a good way too. The house feels good and I put fresh sheets on the bed. I filled the jar on the kitchen table with homemade chocolate chip cookies. The air is fresh and cool, the yard is done - and I have things to occupy my mind in a good way.

And now, after all that hard work... I'm gonna have a wonderful shower and take a trip to town for some dinner.

And I am blessed.

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