Sunday, January 17, 2010

Oy, what a lazy weekend.

About the best I can say is i managed to run a few errands yesterday and vacuumed the floors today. That's pretty good, right? Other than that, I've pretty much watched waaayyy too much food tv and just downloaded a travel channel app for my phone to scout out good eats wherever I may happen to be. I'm so hungry right now... hehehe.

The only good thing about havin' to work on a holiday is I'm gonna go up on the "hill" and get myself somethin' good for lunch. We're moving offices again - has to be done before the first week of Feb. All through that whole mess again to move one room over... and it will be just the two of us again ::sigh:: And I know she's wrong, but I just haven't got it in me to fight and nothing would be done anyway.

So anyhoooo.... anybody else havin' trouble with itchy skin this cold winter? Apparently I am. Either that or I've developed a sudden allergy to my bras... or maybe my boobs are growin' hehe. What can I say?? Good thing Santa stocked me up on lotion for Christmas - The philosophy pure grace - this whole line has great sayings for each scent written on the bottle which is partly the reason for buyin' it *grin* This one smells like pure clean, fresh and simple and the bottle says:

"philosophy: one of the best tools for longevity and good health is not just taking a walk outdoors but taking your walk while holding the hand of God. when we walk in gratitude for each and every moment, we empower ourselves by empowering our spirits. when we breathe in nature through our eyes, ears and lips, we become certain that not only are our souls eternal, but that God knows how to manage our lives, our troubles, our worries and our days better than we do. so today and everyday "let go and let God.""

I try hard every day to do just that and it's a nice reminder... And it helps itchy skin too *grin*

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