Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Icky, Stinky. Phew!

The men are here as we speak pumping out my septic. And ya know.. it's gettin' pretty low when the sewer guys make ya feel bad! I mean like as IF I let this happen.. sheesh. I hear them out their complaining to each other... and I hear the price going up with every word.

I just keep repeating to myself how wonderful it will be (yes, actually looking forward to it) to do dishes and a load of laundry...

Ew.. double ewwwwwwwwwwww! Just as I was writing this post the guy needed to talk to me about somethin' so I had to go out there... ewwwwww. There's three men, lots of big black hoses, shovels and buckets. 'Nuff said. And he just told me it's gonna cost a little extra to fix it right with some type of vent thingy. Why am I not surprised??


Kath said...

You don't take a job repairing sewers and expect to smell nothin' but flowers all day, right? Seriously - the complaining is just stupid. Of course you didn't LET it happen or cause it to be so, but the fact that it did...is what's earning them a paycheck, yes? Don't you dare let them make you feel bad!

Sheepish Annie said...

I am going to spend some quality time today being thankful for how I'm on the town's water system. I remember my parents getting the tank pumped...gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy dishwashing!

Harbor Hon said...

I also remember living with my parents in Glen Burnie and my Dad complaining when the system backed up into the front yard. Too bad it wasn't 'bubbling crude' like Jed found on the Beverly Hillbillies. :) My brother suffered the most because his bedroom window faced that way. At first his girlfriend thought it was his room smelling that way. And I agree they could have been nicer. Like Kath said, they're earning a paycheck. xxoo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder that I need the tank pumped!