Monday, May 25, 2009

Bath Time

And I just had my bath stark naked in front of the whole outdoors ::laughing::. Tis true. With the septic system as it is, I have hot running water, I just can't let any of it go down the drain. So for the past few days I've been makin' do with a quick wash up... but after a couple of days of workin' in the hot sun on her garden... a girl just needs a little more. And bubbles.

So out in my barn i had one of those big ole' washbasin's - not really big enough to "get in" but I brought it up to the back yard, (I have a really private back yard... just me, God, and the squirrels) took out a big kettle of hot water, some wonderful lavender shower gel - and had one of the best "baths" I've had in a long time. The sun was shinin', and it's a beautiful warm and breezy day.... maybe some things are just meant to happen to so you can enjoy other things. And I did.


Sheepish Annie said...

Hey, that's how they did it "back in the day," right? Nice job finding the silver lining in the water situation. It sounds rather nice!

(btw: I finally got the bloglines thing working and should be commenting with more regularity. Not sure what I was doing wrong, but it's all better now!)

Kat said...

I'm jelous - that bath sounds awesome!! You deserve it!

Kath said...

That was a brilliant idea! And I bet God and the squirrels would agree!


For years I dreamt of having an outdoor shower. Sounds perfect! Warm sun on bare skin is how most of the world wants to spend vacation. Take care going back to work tomorrow.

Harbor Hon said...

Sounds wonderful! Just like back in the 'good old days.' :) Glad you got to commune with nature and God. We all need that sometimes. xxoo

Geraldine said...

Sounds like things are on the upswing, the vibes come through your words Mia. I hope that's the case. Outdoor baths eh!!! Sounds great.

Jamisyn said...

I cannot tell you how wonderful a bath in the backyard sounds!!