Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Coffee Bonanza!

Yowzaa, that was the fastest Q delivery in history, but my new Keurig arrived today. I have one at work too, but I wore the home model out (so obviously, I highly recommend these babies). Besides, I needed a different color.

But here's the thing.. I may have, um, over estimated how many k-cups I already had at home, bought some more at the store today not knowing the machine would be here yet, the machine came with 24 cups and a certificate to buy 2 boxes and get 2 free. And I have a couple dozen in my drawer at work. Plus the premium coffee that doesn't come in those little cups ::laughing::

I think I should be all set for a little while *grin*. But NOW... you see.. this leads to a whole 'nother project. Because my kitchen drawer can no longer function as the junk drawer. It now needs to be the k-cup/coffee drawer 'cuz where else I'm gonna store these little suckers (those little carousels are just stupid lookin') I don't know and there's also all the little doo-dads to my espresso machine that need a home. So that's my project for sometime before weekend. Can't wait to see what treasures I'm gonna find in that drawer... and where the heck am I gonna put THAT stuff???? I'm a nut case. I know.

But the important thing.. my coffee zen has been restored and all is right with the world ;) And if ya need a good cup of coffee.. come on over... I share :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love one. Will be over in a minute to enjoy a cup and your company

Have a good one, hugs