Monday, August 23, 2010

Feelin' a little dizzy...

... and I was just rememberin' bein' really little and playin' with the costume jewelry in my grandmothers jewelry box. She didn't have much in there but it was always such a treat for me to be allowed to look in that little cedar box and play. It's strange that even now I could never imagine her ever actually wearing them... or where she'd ever have worn them to. My faint memories of those early years were of a gramma who lived in an old farmhouse, wore aprons that went on over her head, and baked sugar cookies for us kids.... wow.. haven't thought about all that in a long time, but I'm glad I did. And I only remembered it, because I organized my own jewelry box today and I realized that it was just as delightful to me now as it was then. How very cool :)

So I went to the doc today for x-rays and prescriptions. Acute bronchitis/possible pneumonia. I knew it... so then I went to the pharmacy where the lady said I was gettin' the "good stuff" cough syrup and I was gonna wanna lick the spoon ::laughing:: And she was right! It's been an absolutely enchanting day since then ::laughing:: And the cough is already better. so there we go.

I'm happy and don't have to work tomorrow. Amen.



How goes the shopping channel addiction? Does illness slow the shopping? Take care of yourself. If you would like a FedEx package of soup let me know.

Be well.

Kath said...

Ahhh -so this is the kind of cough syrup that just makes you not care about having a cough, eh? Or much else! I think I've had that stuff before. Nice!

Gigi said...

Take care of yourself!