Monday, March 8, 2010

Good dinner.

Those chicken Voila dinner things are pretty darn tasty, I must say. I'm gonna buy about 10 bags next time i go to walmart (which I am very proud to note -has not been in quite some time. I'm cutting down on buying food and buying myself a porch instead). But I just ate a big bowl full and I'm stuffed... and what easy comfort food. So tomorrow is my meeting. I had to call in today cuz Sunday night i was havin' such bad anxiety and was in such chest pain I almost took myself to urgent care. But I took a blood pressure pill and a xanax and felt better.. but i need all the good thoughts and/or prayers anyone out there can spare for tomorrow. If this lawyer can't help me than no one can. then what'll i do???


Anonymous said...

I'm sending good thoughts for you!!!

Kath said...

Yeah, they don't sell that product where I live. Along with many other great foodstuffs! Just as well though, I'm trying to cut down my grocery bill also - I just buy whatever's on sale that week!