Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh TOO funny!

It's only 5:30 in the morning and I've been up for more than an hour, got in the shower, wrote out some bills... tryin' to find somethin' to wear to work. But I had a funny feelin'. Something wasn't quite right... I just turned on the TV to watch the news with my coffee...

And found out it was only SUNDAY!! I feel like a nut - but a nut who just realized she has another whole day off to play *grin*.

Carry on :)


Harbor Hon said...

Hey, it happens. I've only got today left to enjoy since I have to be 'back on the job' tomorrow. At least the supervisor won't be back until Wednesday. My stitches should come out Tuesday. Hoping for no pain again, but one stitch is pinching still. Enjoy the rest of your day. xxoo

Jamisyn said...

Hehe...It is nice to know you have another day, even if you got up early in anticipation for work. I have two more (work) days until I start my new job. I've been out of work for five weeks...I'm going to miss not *having* to get up, but I sure do miss having something to do everyday.

Glad your trip went well. How is your dad doing?

Sheepish Annie said...

Hmmm...that new job must be working out if you are so anxious to get back to it! ;)

But a day off is better, I think. Hope you had a good one!


Don't you love the "long" Sunday? Glad to hear you sound so happy! It's 9:41 pm - hope you are getting ready for a good night's sleep.