Friday, February 26, 2010

The snow about to slide off my roof this morning...

I had another picture here, but it annoyed me hehehe...

... and me about to have a heart attack... as of Tuesday, this deck was bare - now snow to my knees. Truth be told i only shoveled a little ways... I got distracted tryin' to make a giant snowman but the snow isn't quite right. So i figured I'd come back in (and try to find an oxygen tank) and go shovel more later. I figure by then the snow will be perfect for snowmen... and i don't really care so much about a path anymore :)

1 comment:

Kath said...

Hmmmm...both "rain" and "snow" are four-letter words aren't they? Kinda makes you think doesn't it? But I guess if it gives both you and Sheepie a day off it can't be all bad!

p.s. verification word is "statick" as in what you get when you scuff your feet across the carpet or pet the cat too long and then reach for the doorknob to leave!