Friday, August 28, 2009

A Day at the Fair

That's what I did yesterday. And today I must rest. Walking all day and eating till you can't stand up wears a girl out. But I had to post about a discovery I made... besides the fact that they were charging $3.50 for a cup of draft beer and they moved the wine court this year... Just sayin'... But have you seen that commercial on TV for that thing that removes hair just by rubbing your leg with what looks like sandpaper (which I think it is). You know the one? Well they had a demo at the fair - and it does work ok at taking off hair at the surface, but the thing it does really well is make your skin smoooooth. Sandpaper will do that ::laughing:: but I swear, I wanted to make everyone at that fair touch my leg just to see how smooooooooth it was ::laughing:: I bought the little kit and for 20 bucks, that was the thrill of my day hehe. I'm easily amused.

So now, on day 2 of my 4 day weekend after about five naps, I've finally pried myself off the couch, took a minute to rub my really smooooooth leg hehehe and I'm tryin' to figure out what to do next. Well... of course, that would be after I have another chunk of that chocolate fudge I brought home too....



I never go to the mall but a month or so ago I was there with my daughter (28) and a very attractive foreign man approached me about one of those nail buffer systems. He held my hand and did my thumb nail. It was so shiny and smooth! I bought 2 (and will buy many more for Christmas gifts). Just proof that not all that glitters (or is seen on TV) is fools gold. Hope you spend your weekend flaunting those legs.

And speaking of chocolate-World Market had all their flavors of chocolate spread on sale. I bought 4- those jars and a spoon are sounding like lunch to me.
Be well!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you went to the fair. Sounds like lots of fun. Hope your weekend is great.

Very jealous of your smooth legs, just sayin.

Kath said...

You know - I tried one of those sandpaper-looking hair removal things and it just did not work for me. Guess I have tough hair!


Sheepish Annie said...

That sounds like a fun trip! Any time you can say that you brought home chocolate fudge, it is a good day IMHO.

Harbor Hon said...

So glad you went to the Fair! I'm thinking about going to ours in Timonium on Friday since we've been given furloughs again. Five before the holiday days across the board so that they can recoup some money by having State buildings closed. I'm hoping for a pleasant day and a good day for the knee and ankle cause I want to take LOTS of pictures! Mmmm ... fudge sounds good and now I want some, but I want the grilled meats at the Fair even more right now. Hey, what can you expect from a carnivore? :) Sounds like you had a great time. xxoo

Anonymous said...

$3.50 for your draft beer was cheap; I paid 6.25 for a draft beer at the concert last week! It wasn't at a fancy concert hall either, the food vendors had outdoor booths just like at a fair.