Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Jam is done.

At least all I'm gonna make this year. Two batches of strawberry rhubarb - my favorite.

I saw a chipmunk on my porch this morning - eating out of the bird feeder.

I'm having a sick day today. Because.

Was it The Beverly Hillbillys where granny always had a jug of the "remedy"? hehehe. I still love that show.

It's raining.

It was also raining into my canner on the porch last night while I tried to make the jam. Just sayin'. I just turned the burner on "high".

What does the sun look like??

Oh, I also went to superwalmart, and miracle of miracles managed to stay under the $100 mark. But I did a bad thing. A very, very bad thing. My new addiction: Coles cheese breadsticks. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Yummmy - strawberry rhubarb.

I could sure use a sick day - never mind that I already took Monday off. What I really need is to win the lottery so I don't have to work.

I saw the sun for 2 days in a row (Sunday and Monday); I think that was it for summer!

Sheepish Annie said...

Sun? I seem to remember something like that from a couple of days ago...

I think that jam is the best "remedy" for this weather. Yup. I need to look into that!

Harbor Hon said...

We've had cooler than normal weather for this time of year and I'm loving it! I'm taking a sick day today. Just decided this morning. :) Want to be rested up for when I join the Sisters on the trip to VA. I'm so excited!

Glad the rain didn't ruin your good time jam making. Chipmunks are the cutest things aren't they?

Gotta try those cheese sticks myself. Never knew about them, but they sound wonderful from the link you gave. Thanks for that. xxoo