Thursday, May 21, 2009


Cuz after today I have five whole days off in a row to do whatever I want! Yaaa-hoooo! Nobody ever approved my vacation request - but no news is good news so I'm takin' it anyway. And did I tell ya I'm gonna be working for yet ANOTHER person starting today? Yup.. another director, but of course no one has told ME. The only reason I know is because I overheard two people in my office gossiping about it yesterday - and once they realized their oopsie and knew I heard them.. they had to tell... but I had to swear to not say anything until someone formally tells me. Hmmm.. the guy is starting today, I wonder when that will be... ::sigh::

Hey, but you know what.. I'm not gonna worry about that right now.. I have some major car repairs to get done, major lawn work to figure out, winter clothes to put away, and a house that desperately needs a good spring cleaning. I have plenty to keep me busy. HOWEVER. That website I linked to below has helped me tremendously as I've poured through the stories and recommended reading... and I've finally started to well and truly understand just what it is that I've been dealing with. And that I'm not alone... and I don't have to be so ashamed. He is not Me. It doesn't take away one tiny bit of the hurt... but the more I'm able to understand, the stronger I can be about it, and I've decided that this is pretty much a brand new world for me and my whole objective at the moment for my life is to be "kind to myself"... however that may be... and I'm gonna try to do just that.

"Vacation" begins in mere hours! Yaaaa--hoooooo!


Harbor Hon said...

Enjoy every blessed day you have off and do what you want to do. Even if it's just doing nothing. You deserve the best. xxoo

Sheepish Annie said...

I have to get through a half day with the kidlets tomorrow and then I, too, am free to run wild! Except for the family cookout on Saturday. I should probably behave at that. Otherwise, I'm freeeeeeeeee!!!

Enjoy your break. Here's hoping the weather is perfect for anything you decide you wanna do!

Kath said...

Oh yes - you sound like you are on the right track there! And a few days of spring cleaning will probably help you realize the feeling of a "fresh start". Hope you have a great vacation!